Christian Chaplains Corps of America

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        We declare and establish this Constitution and these Bylaws to preserve and perpetuate the principles of our common Christian faith and to govern this body in an orderly and Biblical manner. These Bylaws will seek to preserve the liberties of each individual member and the freedom of action of this body to accomplish its God-given purpose.



        Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Christian Chaplains Corps of America (herein referred to as the CCCA)



        Section 1. To stand for Christ-centered, morally sound, Biblical Christianity which comprises the Christian faith: the faith and practice of the Apostles and the early Disciples of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. 

        Section 2. To commission Chaplains, Chaplain Assistants, and Lay Ministers to minister in our nation’s communities by providing and performing religious support to nurture the living, care for the dying, and honor the dead.

        Section 3. To uphold the Chaplaincy Values envisioned by General George Washington in setting the standard for moral and ethical behavior which are incapsuled in the acronym "SACRED" --

    1.     Spirituality: The bedrock of all faiths, providing meaning and direction in life. Seek to know God and yourself at the deepest level.

    2.     Accountability: The means to measure how we practice what we preach. Hold yourself and others to the moral and spiritual high ground in every area of life.

    3.     Compassion: Love in word and deed. The love that sees beyond the surface and discerns our common humanity.

    4.     Religious Leadership: Model spiritual truths wisely and courageously.

    5.     Excellence: Do your best for God's glory. The standard for staff work and religious responsibilities.

    6.     Diversity: Being respectful of different views and ideas that are not like our own.


         Section 1. The Apostle’s Creed shall be the basic affirmation of faith of the CCCA as stated below:

    I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth;


    And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from where he shall come again to judge the living and the dead. 

    I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy *catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

    (*Note: the word "catholic" in the creed means "universal")



        Section 1: Qualifications for Membership. Membership in the CCCA shall consist of persons who are in agreement with the Statement of Faith and who will abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of the CCCA. 

        Section 2: Members Covenant of Conduct. The fundamental principles of the CCCA are based upon the Word of God. Therefore every member is expected to live according to its teachings and avoid and refrain from that which is destructive to the Christian life and dishonorable to God. Every member is earnestly admonished to:

    1.     Maintain high ethical and moral values in all their dealings, personally and professionally.

    2.     Respect one another's difference in religious beliefs, including the differences in doctrine, style and personality of other Christians as they follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit.

    3.     Only speak in edifying ways in regards to others, including Christian ministers, ministries, and the Body of Christ at large.

    4.     Treat all with whom they come into contact as they would like to be treated.

        Section 3: Responsibility and Discipline. All Members and Chaplains of the CCCA are responsible for his or her own actions. The CCCA assumes no legal responsibility for any of its Members or Chaplains. Membership and Chaplaincy in the CCCA will be revoked upon behaviors unbecoming Christians and Chaplains.



        Section 1. The central governing and regulatory body of the CCCA is the Board of Directors (herein also referred to as the Board) whose authority and decisions shall be final in all matters and may delegate responsibility of day-to-day operations to such officers, staff, and committees as the Board may determine and appoint from time to time. 

        Section 2. The Board shall have up to 7 members (directors).

        Section 3. The Board shall meet from time to time as determined by its members. Meetings may be held in person or by electronic means. The Board may make such rules and regulations covering its meetings as it may in its discretion determine necessary.

        Section 4. Each director shall have one vote and such voting may not be done by proxy. In most matters of business, a majority vote of the Board members will carry the motion.

        Section 5. Vacancies in the Board of Directors shall be filled by a vote of the majority of the remaining members of the Board.



        Section 1. National Coordinator: The National Coordinator is appointed by the Board of Directors and has day-to-day responsibilities for the organization, including carrying out the organization’s goals and policies and is subject to the direction and control of the Board of Directors

        Section 2. Other Officers: The Board of Directors may appoint other officers, staff, and committees as needed including:

    1.     Region Director: A Region Director oversees the personnel, units, and activities in several States that are in close proximity to each other. The Region Director reports directly to the National Coordinator and is also subject to the direction and control of the Board of Directors.

    2.     State Director: A State Director oversees the personnel, units, and activities in one U.S. State. The State Director reports directly to the Region Director (or to next higher in line Director) and is subject to the direction and control of the Board of Directors.

    3.     Area Director: An Area Director oversees the personnel, units, and activities in an assigned portion of a U.S. State. The Area Director reports directly to the State Director (or to next higher in line Director) and is subject to the direction and control of the Board of Directors.

    4.     Team Leader: A Team Leader oversees the personnel and activities of individuals assigned to a specific Team. The Team Leader reports directly Area Director (or to next higher in line Director) and is subject to the direction and control of the Board of Directors.



        Section 1. Chaplain: An Ordained or Licensed Minister of a Christian Church or Christian Religious Organization who is granted the full rights to perform the ministerial duties of a Chaplain and Minister of the Gospel, and to use the title of Chaplain in the performance of those duties.

        Section 2. Chaplain Assistant (Ministry Support Specialist): A Non-ordained and Non-Licensed Person who is authorized to provide ministry support as a backup and assistant to a Chaplain. A Chaplain Assistant may perform ministerial duties in their community (except marriages) under the mentorship of a Chaplain and may use the titles of Chaplain Assistant, or Ministry Support Specialist, in the performance of those duties.

        Section 3. Team Member: A person assigned to a Ministry Team and reports to, and is directed by, a Team Leader.



        Section 1. Members of the CCCA may propose amendments to this Constitution and Bylaws. Such proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for discussion. The Board of Directors makes the final determination of whether or not to adopt the changes.